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Why Reflexology?

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

Have you ever had a #reflexology treatment before? If so, then how did you feel afterwards?

Reflexology is a massage of the feet that aims to promote #wellness in other areas of the body.

It is based on the principle that the feet are a map of all organs, glands and parts of the body. By using thumb and fingers, reflex points in the feet are stimulated. This sends messages to the relating parts of the body and encourages them to regain and maintain harmony and balance in a safe and natural way.

#Reflexology is the firm, but gentle massage that coaxes reflexes in both feet to:

  • ease tension in the physical body

  • quieten the mental chatter

  • soothe the emotions

  • reconnect at soul level.

By alerting healing abilities with the body, reflexology assists in creating a healthy, harmonious state that is ideal for the efficient and effective physical, mental, emotional and spiritual functioning of the whole.

#Reflexology is not used to diagnose or cure diseases. It has been proven to be extremely helpful when addressing conditions like stress, anxiety, aches and pains, headaches, digestive problems plus many more....

Reflexology is truly remarkable in the way it encourages everybody to help themselves to a more fulfilling, rewarding and better way of life. Anyone and everyone can benefit from Reflexology's amazing ability to harmonize all bodily systems.

We all possess a very great power - the ability to heal ourselves.

© 2021 by Sole Buddies. All rights reserved.

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