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Healing Yourself through Foot Reflexology for Shoulder Pain.

Updated: Sep 22, 2021

How to Thumb walk and the #Shoulder reflex point:

Did you know that your body’s health is reflected in your feet?

The various organs, nerves and glands in your body relate to certain “reflex areas” on the soles, toes, tops and sides of your feet.

It’s possible for you, by working these reflex areas in simple ways known as “reflexology”, to activate natural and prompt relief from your aches and pains.

In order to perform Reflexology on yourself to ‘work’ the reflexes. You need to know how to do the “Thumb Walk”.

Please watch Chantel C. Lucifer's video below, for how to do the thumb walk:

By no means does this make you, yourself a “Reflexologist”. This information is just intended so that you can use some of these self-help tips on yourself.

Shoulder reflex:

How to work the Shoulder reflex to help relieve the following if pain is felt within this area.

These are reflected on the upper part of both pads of the feet, immediately beneath the little toe’s neck.

These reflexes show:

  • The burdens of responsibility

  • Defence through hunching to avoid taking on too much

  • Tired of carrying hefty burdens or so many issues

  • Weighed down by having so much on one’s shoulders

Massaging the shoulder reflexes on both the left and right foot:

  • Takes a ‘weight off the shoulders

  • Eases the perceived need to ‘shoulder responsibilities’

  • Enhances blood flow to and from the head, specifically to the ears and eyes

Below is an image of where the shoulder reflex point is and a video on how to work this point.

Image: Shoulder reflex point: by Balanced Women's blog:

Video: By Chantel C. Lucifer's video below, for how to work the shoulder reflex:

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